1. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Installation and Commissioning

There are wiring issues

To avoid general miswiring caused by multiple installers wiring each level resulting in inconsistent wiring, drawings should be marked up by a supervisor with cable colours for panel and field connections. Communication between different installers is essential to understanding what works are outstanding and ensuring that all information is accurate.

Cables should always be numbered and if their location is uncertain it should be confirmed with the relevant operatives.

Point to point testing is required before powering up in order to avoid destroying low voltage electronic components

Please provide ‘As-built’ drawings and ensure that the detailed cable complies with current regulations by the Project manager or installers.

Please reference the datasheet to ensure the correct wiring of DPS before terminations. Earth continuity testing can be done to confirm this.

Where required, please make sure that the ethernet wire is FP rated.